
NeoMatrix Employees Showcase Support for Their Teams and Customers

Our core values define our culture and behaviors that we expect from all of our team members in order to deliver the highest level of service to our industrial automation clients. We are thrilled to announce the Q2 2023 winners of the RAVE awards that recognize NeoMatrix’s employees who demonstrate excellence in their work, make valuable contributions to the company, and go above and beyond to support their teams and customers.

NeoMatrix Employee RAVE Awards


Join us in a big round of applause for Sol Winternitz! Sol’s remarkable ability to cultivate strong relationships, coupled with his fearless embrace of growth and learning, makes him an invaluable asset to NeoMatrix. Despite the whirlwind of tasks, he navigates daily, Sol’s dedication to the company’s success remains unwavering, and his willingness to take on engineering challenges for our customers showcases his extraordinary growth mindset. We’re lucky to have you, Sol – thank you for all you do!



Congratulations to Cheryl Ott for being another RAVE award winner! Cheryl went above and beyond during the office move, demonstrating her dedication to our core value of  “Doing the Right Thing” every step of the way. She even found a way to incorporate fun into the move by having a chair building contest, which was a nice touch to an otherwise daunting task. Congratulations on your well-deserved RAVE award.



We are thrilled to recognize and celebrate Emma Boyens-Hahn as one of our outstanding R.A.V.E award winners. Emma is a team member who truly embodies our core value of “Building Relationships.” Her e0xceptional efforts to cultivate relationships have brought us new opportunities and showcased the power of forging connections.



Let’s give a round of applause to Tucker Gustavesen! Tucker’s exceptional performance stood out in two remarkable ways. Firstly, he demonstrated his potential of building strong relationships with customers, which resulted in bringing in new work. Secondly, Tucker’s commitment to delivering quality and going above and beyond was evident as he worked tirelessly during nights and weekends to complete his milestones – all while also taking on additional work. Well done, Tucker!



Congratulations to Thomas Moldonado! There were a number of late-night and weekend calls to work out communication issues with printers and last-minute changes. Thomas always answered those calls and worked through to resolution to help ramp up production. Thanks for your commitment to delivering quality, Thomas!



Last but not least, congratulations to Chris VanRemoortel! Chris spent an impressive two weeks on-site with our valued customers, leaving a lasting impression on everyone he encountered. In the world of customer service, Chris stands out as an exceptional team member with his remarkable ability to have fun and build relationships. His efforts have contributed significantly to our customers’ satisfaction and overall success. We are fortunate to have someone like Chris on our team, as he consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that our factory automation customers receive the best possible experience.